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A photograph of the Queen and the Prince of Wales has been released to mark the end of her 90th birthday year.

The photo shows the Queen with her son Prince Charles in the White Drawing Room at Windsor Castle.

Previously unpublished, it was taken before the final night of celebrations at the Royal Windsor Horse Show in May.

Fashion photographer Nick Knight, who took the photo, said he had wanted to create something that showed "warmth, humanity... strength and tradition".

The Queen, who last year became Britain's longest-reigning monarch, turned 90 years old in April.

She celebrated the occasion with a series of events, including a private black tie banquet at Windsor Castle with her friends and loved ones.

Queen Elizabeth's official birthday was marked in June with a service of thanksgiving and a picnic on The Mall, in central London, for 10,000 guests.

In a speech at the event, the Queen had joked: "How I will feel if people are still singing Happy Birthday in December remains to be seen."

About the newly-released portrait, Mr Knight said: "It was a great pleasure and an honour to photograph Her Majesty The Queen and HRH The Prince of Wales at Windsor Castle.

"I wanted to create a modern portrait that showed warmth and humanity as well as strength and tradition."


Переглядів: 594 | Додав: gravolan | Дата: 18.12.2016

  • When in Rome, do as the Romans. – Серед вовків жити — по-вовчому вити.
  • Don’t judge a book by its cover. – Зустрічають по одягу, проводжають по розуму.
  • Strike while the iron is hot. – Всьому свій час.
  • Practice makes perfect. – Повторення - мати навчання.
  • Don’t make a mountain out of an anthill. – Не роби з мухи слона.
  • Actions speak louder than words. – Людина красна не словами, а добрими справами.
  • Curiosity killed the cat. – Цікавій Варварі на базарі носа відірвали.
  • No news is good news. – Відсутність новин - хороша новина.
  • Speak of the devil. – Про вовка промовка а вовк на поріг.
  • The grass is always greener on the other side of the hill. – Всюди добре, де нас нема.

В англійській мові деякі прислів’я відповідають українським, нібито вони просто перекладені. Нижче наведено кілька прислів’їв, що мають досить схоже звучання в обох мовах. Деякі з них вказують на однакове розуміння певних понять, інші на особливості географічного положення, тощо.

Англійське прислів`я Дослівний переклад Український еквівалент
A cat with nine lives Кішка з дев‘ятьма життями Живучий, як кішка
A drop in the ocean Крапля в океані Крапля в морі
A man is known by the company he keeps Людина пізнається по її оточенні. Скажи мені, хто твій друг, і я скажу, хто ти.
A friend in need is a friend indeed Друг пізнається в біді (аналогічно)
A sound mind in a sound body В здоровому тілі здоровий дух (аналогічно)
A storm in a tea-cup Буря в склянці води (аналогічно)
Add fuel to the fire Підлити масла у вогонь (аналогічно)
All is well, that ends well Все добре, що добре закінчується (аналогічно)
Appetite comes with the eating Апетит приходить під час їди (аналогічно)
At home even the walls help Вдома і стіни допомагають (аналогічно)

Тепер розглянемо декілька прислів’їв, які, хоча й передають той самий зміст, дуже  різняться в словесному оформленні.

Англійське прислів`я Дослівний переклад Український еквівалент
A cat in gloves catches no mice Кіт в рукавицях не ловить мишей Любиш кататися – люби і саночки возити
A gift in the hand is better than two promises Краще подарунок в руці, ніж дві обіцянки Краще синиця в долоні, ніж журавель в небі
Don't quarrel with your bread and butter Не сварися зі своїми хлібом та маслом Не плюй в криницю - прийдеться води напитися
Go home and say your prayers Іди додому та говори свої молитви Не сунь носа в чужі справи
He that has a great nose thinks everybody is speaking of it Той, у кого гарний ніс, думає, що всі про нього говорять На злодієві шапка горить
It rains cats and dogs (не перекладається) Ллє, як з відра
When pigs fly Коли свині почнуть літати Коли рак на горі свисне
Put that in your pipe and smoke it Поклади це в свою трубку і викури Зарубай  це собі на носі

Автор: Ірина Климочко

Переглядів: 2421 | Додав: gravolan | Дата: 15.12.2016

Декілька цитат з As You Like It:

"All the world 's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts" - (Act II, Scene VII).

"Can one desire too much of a good thing?". - (Act IV, Scene I).

"I like this place and willingly could waste my time in it" - (Act II, Scene IV).

"How bitter a thing it is to look into happiness through another man's eyes!" - (Act V, Scene II).

"True is it that we have seen better days". - (Act II, Scene VII).

"For ever and a day". - (Act IV, Scene I).

"The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool". - (Act V, Scene I).

Переглядів: 416 | Додав: gravolan | Дата: 14.12.2016

The first part of an abridgment of Charles Dickens' classic Christmas ghost story told in nine episodes.

A Christmas Carol playlist: http://bit.ly/TeachAChristmasCarol

Переглядів: 400 | Додав: gravolan | Дата: 13.12.2016

To 'kid' can mean to joke about something.

"The zookeeper was kidding when she said the snake will bite me."

It can also mean to not tell the truth.

"I've been kidding him for a few years now and he hasn't realised that I'm not telling him the truth."

These expressions that involve the word 'kid' are commonly used in everyday speech:

Just kidding

We use 'just kidding' when we're talking about something and we don't want people to talk it seriously.

A: "There are two things I'm really, really afraid of. One is a snake and the other is my mum."

B: "Oh really?"

A: "Well, I'm just kidding about my mum."

No kidding

We use 'no kidding' to emphasise what we're saying.

"I spent the whole day cleaning my house, no kidding!"

You must be kidding/You have to be kidding

We use 'you must be kidding' to react to what a person is saying. You usually say 'you must be kidding' because you don't believe what the person is saying.

A: "I took two hours to make this cake."

B: "You must be kidding. Did it really take that long?"

You can also say: "you must be joking".


Переглядів: 364 | Додав: gravolan | Дата: 12.12.2016

Переглядів: 432 | Додав: gravolan | Дата: 11.12.2016

I love studying and because of this I realized amazing things that I thought were impossible.

I was born in a very poor family in Brazil, however, I have always loved to study. Due to my love for reading and maths, I realized dreams that would not have been possible for a poor child like me.

I went to university and I graduated in Engineering. Then I found a job as a teacher. I traveled to Canada last year, an amazing dream came true! I am doing my doctorate at this moment, and I am going to live in Tokyo next year because I won a scholarship. Part of my doctorate will be spent at the University of Tokyo.

I am really happy with this! I think that more poor children could realize their dreams if they have more opportunity to study like me.

author: Cristiane Brandolt

Переглядів: 386 | Додав: gravolan | Дата: 10.12.2016

“Kids, what does the chicken give you?”


“Very good! Now what does the pig give you?”


“Great! And what does the fat cow give you?”


Переглядів: 353 | Додав: gravolan | Дата: 08.12.2016

Photo © Jolien Boeckx

43-year-old Jack Baremans has always loved the Holidays. He has been collecting all kinds of Christmas decorations ever since he was 16-years old, and has made a habit of using all of them to decorate his home every year. His collection has gotten so large over the years, that he now reportedly takes about a month filling the inside of his home with dozens of artificial Christmas trees, thousands of ornaments, garlands, wreaths, plush reindeer and polar bears, Christmas lights and pretty much every other decoration imaginable.


Переглядів: 418 | Додав: gravolan | Дата: 07.12.2016

1. Deconstruct the skill

Break it down. If you want to learn a new skill, the first thing you need to do is break it down into small action steps.

2. Learn Enough to Self-Correct

Take action and get started. Start practicing the new skill you want to learn so that you can generate feedback and start correcting yourself. You need to start to recognize what good looks like or what good feels like, so you can change your approach as necessary. This is how you will create your learning loop.

3. Remove Practice Barriers

Get rid of whatever gets in the way of your ability and motivation to practice. Make it easier to practice, by getting rid of distractions.

4. Practice at least 20 hours

Keep making small improvements over 20 hours. Spend about 45 minutes a day for a month, and focus on continuous improvement and learning. Your little improvements will compound over the course of a month.

20 Hours Gets You Over the Frustration Barrier

If you can invest 20 hours to learn your new skill, this will help you get over the initial “frustration barrier.” It’s this “frustration barrier” that holds so many people back from learning new things, exploring new interests, or realizing their potential.

It’s not skill that holds you back. You are up against yourself. The biggest barrier is emotional. If you can get over the hump of feeling incompetent or silly or awkward, you open new doors and you are on your way to a life of learning.

Of course, mastery is a whole other level. But the big idea is don’t let the big learning curve of mastery get in the way of the much smaller learning curve of getting good at something.

Keep learning.

This article originally appeared on Sources of Insight

Переглядів: 585 | Додав: gravolan | Дата: 05.12.2016